Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dear All,
I just love horses in action. I am lucky in that there is a racetrack near me, Retama Park Racetrack, and I can go there to photo horses doing their thing. These two paintings are from such photos. I think this style of oil painting lends itself to action and movement. The backgrounds are a loose wash of oil color and the figures are done more opaquely to draw attention to them and to make them stand out a bit more. These two are small works, 8"x10", and are done on gessoed board. They look pretty good in a gold frame.
Hey, I just learned that if you type Jay Lauver's Art Blog in the search engines, this blog will now come up. I guess we've been on the WEB enough now. That sure makes it easier, eh?
Again, thanks to all of you who have been so supportive of this publishing venture. You all make me feel pretty good about it. I admit to still working on the nuts and bolts, but I'm getting better at it. And I remind you that you can email me at if the comments section on this thing excludes you, which it should not but does anyway.
Ta for now,


Sheryl Smith-Rodgers said...


My mother, Marcelle Smith, told me about your blog. It looks really good! Yesterday I spent MANY hours trying to figure out how to tweak the blasted HTML code and get frames around my photos. My template didn't have them. But I did it, by George!

Anyway, congrats! It's really fun to blog once you get going.
My best,
sheryl rodgers

Sheryl Smith-Rodgers said...

P.S. You may want to "moderate" your comments. I've already gotten two "inappropriate" ones on my mine–that's when I changed my settings to "moderate."