Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Very first sculpture

Dear Patient Friends,
Here, at last, are the promised pictures of my very first sculpture effort. I was quite proud of this right up until I saw the photos of it. It is meant to have a rough texture--sort of a "wet" feel, but the photo makes it look a lot less arty and a lot more "messy". Rats. I like this style of loose work and intend to keep working at it until I get it right. My instructor tells me frequently that one must pay attention to how shadows will fall on the work and keep that in mind when finishing a piece.
This piece is done with clay--a raku clay, in fact--and then fired and then painted to look like bronze. I rather like the bronze look to these pieces and will probably continue to paint my stuff to look like that. It gives me a good idea of what they would look like if I ever decide to actually have bronzes made. I've learned that is a very complicated and expensive process--not something I can afford to do. But these are original works that look like bronze and for the time being, these will have to do.
I have photos of two more pieces I completed at the same time. A dog and a horse. I'll put those on the blog soon. No I mean really soon. I already have the photos. And there are more sculptures in the pipeline as I am churning them out fairly quickly. It's so much fun!

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