Yes, I actually heard someone really say that once.. " you'uns. " She was from Pennsylvania.
As you may or may not remember, I have stated flatly that I don't like still life, and further, that I hate painting flowers. Having said that, I admit that I kind of like this one. Why? Because of the light. I got that right. And that unfinished looking spot over the top of the vase? I like that too. Makes the whole thing more arty and less drawn. I need to remember this lesson in all my work.
This is a studio piece, obviously, done on gessoed board, 8"x10". Why did I paint it even though I don't care for the subject matter? Because it was good for me. I learned from it. I do occasionally do things just to learn something from them. That's why the now-and-then still life, portrait, life-drawing, etc. is inserted into the body of my work. Every artist should use these things to improve their work.
This one is still available, by the way. I've rarely showed it to anyone for some reason or another.
I hope you like it!
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